Daughter in law: Djuna Pratt
Deanna Fairley Costa
Mary Lou DeLano Pratt was a wonderful person, with a heart of gold. When we met in August 1977, our friendship was immediate. Our friend John was hired the following January and we have all remained great friends for almost 48 years. Working with abused and neglected children was a very tough job but we all managed to find joy and laughter. She loved these children and they loved her, preferring to call her “Momma Lou”. Mary Lou was a beautiful person, inside and out. Although very poised, proper and traditional, she was very contemporary in her beliefs and opinions. She could always be counted on for her understanding, humor, sense of fun, compassion, great counsel and non judgmental listening. I’m quite certain she has taken many of her friend’s lifelong secrets with her, as she was a very confidential ally and supporter; one could not ask for a better or more loyal friend. As we all know, she treasured her family most in life and put them first always. She was a devoted daughter, eldest sister, niece, mother, mother in law, grandmother, great grandmother, aunt and friend. I believe Mary Lou’s greatest strengths were her kindness and ability to connect with others, love unconditionally, mentor and inspire, and set an example for us all. She excelled in relationships and made all those she touched feel special and loved. She cherished her home and adored her neighbors, whom she liked and trusted completely. These special friends include Cindy & Sean, Victor, Terri & her husband, and Judy & Dreama, who all cared for her and rallied whenever she needed help; we owe you all our profound thanks and gratitude. Thanks is also due to her special friend Slater, whose help and friendship made these recent months happier and easier to navigate. Simply put, these wonderful people consistently supported her in remaining comfortable in the home and neighborhood she could not bear to leave. Mary Lou was very fond of and deeply grateful to Dr. Raveen Arora for his 25+ years of devoted care and protection, in addition to his staff, for always having her best interests at heart. I miss my friend terribly and it feels like a bright light has suddenly vanished. Mary Lou ensured I always felt loved and supported and I can only hope she felt loved by me, too. It’s true what they say, that the truly great individuals in life have no idea how great and irreplaceable they are, and that perfectly describes Mary Lou. I pray my dearest friend is in Paradise, surrounded by those she loved most in this world and is being rewarded for her goodness and faithfulness. I like to imagine that the first greeting she heard as she walked into heaven was Craig saying “ Hi Mom, I’ve been waiting for you”. May she rest in perfect peace. 💕
8 months
Daniel DeLano
For Mary Lou
From my dad, Gary DeLano
I miss you big sister, from your baby brother (haha). When she would call me she would still always call me her baby brother, after all these years. I wanted to say some things Sunday, but the venue was small and I can’t stand for long periods of time. Or sit either! Great double whammy huh! Also, I would have needed a microphone, because my voice is pretty weak these days. So I will do my best to express myself here. Mary Lou, you were loved by your family and many friends. Some you’ve lost, and a few still around. I don’t think you really knew just how much you meant to all of us. We understood how hard you tried to keep going for us, but your body finally gave out.
I’ve grown accustomed to calling you weekly for many years. It’s going to be a hard habit to stop. Recently, I’ve picked up the phone to do so, and wind up staring into space. But in a way, I feel that we are talking. You were such a huge part of my life. Baby…child…adult… and now when I’m an old man. I have such great memories of you and I could tell stories for hours, but not even come close to finishing. You were a great wife, wonderful mother, and the best friend this brother ever had. There is such a large void in my life now. If a better place exists, I’m sure it’s for people like you. If reincarnation is possible, I picture you as either a hummingbird or butterfly. They both make me smile, just like you did when I needed it. This is not the end, we will talk again.
Your loving brother, Gary
8 months
Daniel DeLano
💔💜 I’ve been thinking of how I can say goodbye to you. I never thought that I’d have to Aunt Mary Lou. In some selfish way, I always assumed you would be around no matter what. These last few years, you fought so hard. That’s just who you were. But on July 3rd, you finally lost the fight. Knowing that I will never see you again carries enormous weight on my heart. You were the type of person that truly inspired others with your words and actions. Your kindness, generosity, and selflessness will always go unmatched. There’s no one like you. I have endless memories of you that run through my head. For every tough time in my life, I’d run to you and you would counsel me. I wish I could do that now. You meant the world to me Aunt Mary Lou. As someone who never had a mother, you were it for me. I could feel your spirit with our whole family this past 4th of July weekend. I could picture you in your favorite chair in our living room, with the biggest smile on your face. It made you so happy to see everyone else happy. You always talked to me about how much you missed your son, Craig. I believe that you have reunited with him now, and are at peace. I’ve been thinking of how I can say goodbye to you. But I know I don’t have to. You’re with me. You’re with so many of us. Whenever I see a hummingbird, you will come to mind. I love you forever Mary Lou.
8 months