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James Richard Dismel Jr

September 11, 1983 - November 14, 2021
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Kyle Briggs

Avenidas Funeral Chapel

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James Richard Dismel Jr

September 11, 1983 - November 14, 2021
Condolences 3

Albert Briones James, Just wanted to say hi again. Jenn and I spent the evening with Reyna, Nate and baby James. The family is doing great. Its always fun sharing stories. Miss you little brother.
about 3 years ago

Albert Briones Hey little brother! I picked up the phone to forward you a funny meme and then quickly stopped myself. I found myself trying to call you on Christmas and again on New Years. I have to remind myself that no one will answer. It's crazy cause I still cry almost everyday on my ride home from work and try to hide it. But you already know that. Thanks for watching over me and the family. One day I know I'll stop crying, then we could share some laughter. In the meantime, I just picture you with the hissing laugh telling me to stop being a b!tch. Honestly, it keeps me going everyday. Talk to you tomorrow and I will see you when the time is right. I love you little brother.
about 3 years ago

Sereathia Dismel I love you Jay!!!
over 3 years ago

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