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Ana Maribel Rivera

August 16, 1975 - March 01, 2022
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Brandon Solarez

Avenidas Cremation & Burial

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Ana Maribel Rivera

August 16, 1975 - March 01, 2022
Condolences 11

Isabel Patino Nina I don’t know what to say or how to feel just yet. Im lost for words. I’m sorry it has taken this long to even write something about you. I know over the years we weren’t as close, but looking back at being little and everything I can remember, you were a huge part of my life. You did an amazing job as my Nina! You were there for me, you cared for me and I thank you for everything! I wish this wasn’t happening now but god had better plans for you. Cuídame a mi Nelson allá en el cielito. You’re back with your dad now Nina ❤️
about 3 years ago

Jesus Rivera Thank you for all the smiles you gave us and thank you for always being there. It’s going to hurt not to see your big smile that you always had but I know your still going to have that big smile up there.Wish I could have saw you one last time just to hear that laugh.We were never prepared to say goodbye or to let you go but they had other plans.LOVE YOU! Till I see you again
about 3 years ago

Julio Rivera I can’t really believe you are gone I was talking to the night before ❤️ Rip mom I m is u are going to look down on me and guide me through life while your looking down I love you ❤️ One day we will meet again mom 😢
about 3 years ago

Blanca Looez Prima / comadre nos as Dejado con un dolor muy grande te nos adelantaste prima pero quedamos con muchos recuerdos de todas las travesuras ,Risas, platicas y lagrimas que conpartimos fuiste una gran parte de mi vida como hermana , prima y comadre ,usa tus alas de angel que as ganado y cuidanos y protejenos te quiero mucho ❤️
about 3 years ago

Vanessa Lopez We love you so much Tia. It sucks that we were unable to say our goodbye but I know your up there looking down on us! I pray that you are at ease and spreading your new found beautiful wings. One day we will meet again. We love and miss you dearly.
about 3 years ago

Sonia Betancourt Hermana mia. 😥 nos dejas con un. Gran vasio . y un grqn dolor. pero dios tenia un mejor plan para ati. Te amo. Y siempre te amare. Mis condolenvias. Para mi tia. Chuyita. Y sus hermanos. Jose ramon. Y pancho. Y sus hijos. Joseangel y julio cesar.
about 3 years ago

Angelita Avechuco Quiero recordarte de cuando éramos niñas y jugábamos como si el mundo fuera nuestro, así con tu sonrisa, nuestro humor negro, nuestra picardía, tomamos rumbos distintos en la misma ciudad y aún así cuando te encontraba era como si ayer nos hubiéramos visto. Dios te abra las puertas y te reciba con su inmenso amor! Extrañare a esa prima ke fuistes de niñas y jóvenes. Te kiero mucho y te recordaré siempre y más los tiempo ke compartimos junto a nuestras amigas!!
about 3 years ago

Paloma Moreno Ni de donde comenzar solo se que tus recuerdos por siempre van a vivir conmigo de todas las risas y los buenos momentos que a tu lado disfrutamos 😔💔 vuele alto y descanse en paz 🕊🙏🏼
about 3 years ago

about 3 years ago

Crystal Moreno
about 3 years ago

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