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Jackie James McDaniel Sr.

February 10, 1944 - February 11, 2021
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Posted by:

Kyle Briggs

Avenidas Funeral Chapel

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Jackie James McDaniel Sr.

February 10, 1944 - February 11, 2021
Condolences 2

Debra Davern Love you Dad❤ I know you're watching over us all now; we can feel your presence in everything we do. You will never be forgotten, but you will definitely be missed by so many!! Keep your arms around mom and continue to give her the strength she needs. I know it's you who is keeping us all so strong. I miss you like crazy but I know you are in a far better place now and one day we will all be together again. Until then Rest In Paradise Dad💗 We love you always!💋💜
about 4 years ago

Danielle Davern I love you always grandpa!❤ I'll make sure to eat some icecream for you also!
about 4 years ago

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