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Jeff Sher

February 21, 1992 - January 08, 2024
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Joe Sher

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Posted by:

Joe Sher

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Jeff Sher

February 21, 1992 - January 08, 2024

My dearest son,
you are my best person you are my soul in my life you made me laugh you made me happy 24/7 I love you so much and I am going to miss you forever.... 
Love Dad,  Joe Sher.  
P.s  we had too much wonderful time together. Since the day one you born.

Hi love, 
There are so many things I want to say and so many questions I wanted to ask, but I'll try to make it brief. You are the most amazing person to me in the whole wide world. You always know how to make me smile whenever I am down. I wish you're still here with me; I wish you could've talked to me. Knowing you, you never want to be a burden to any one. You have been so wonderful to me, my family, coworkers and friends. We have been together for almost 13 years, and now that you're gone, I will forever keep my memories of you in my mind until the day I die. I will always think of you whenever I go eat, sleep, study, etc. Life is hard without you, but I know I will try my best to stay strong. For you, for us. Please know that we all love you to pieces. Please do not worry about us, please wait for us, we will be there to see you soon. Stay happy and positive in the afterlife. I love you with every fiber of my being. Please wait for me. 
p.s. I will wear my engagement ring until the end of time. You have my promise.
-Snow Ai

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Condolences 1

Rita Sher My dearest cousin Jeff, I am not going to lie, this is tough. It was hard when I found out about your passing. You were more of my little brother than just a cousin. I miss how Uncle Joe (your dad) would take us to the park so we can ride our bikes while he jogs sometimes. After he would take us to get Chinese flan (pudding). Your dad got you a propeller hat! It was so cute! It would spin in the wind when it got a little windy. I remember you living with us in San Francisco towards my last two years of high school. You were present for my graduation and I thank you for that. That summer we flew down to Los Angeles together to see the family. On that flight, I remember you wanted tomato juice while I ordered myself apple juice. I looked at you and I was a little shocked you ordered tomato juice. Haha. You took a sip and told me you didn't like it. So I just gave you my apple juice instead. I remember taking you shopping for clothes you wanted so you can feel confident about yourself, and when it came to college I tried to help you apply to different schools. I remember taking you shopping for your formal dance. I couldn't afford an Armani suit but we made it work. You looked very handsome in purple. I just wanted you to know something. You are loved and you will always be loved Jeff Sher. We all love you. I have always been there for you as an older sister and I will always be your older sister. I am so sorry Jeff. You still had more life to live. You were too young. Love always, Rita Sher, Aunt Mary Sher, Schanty Sher & Lauryn Sher Padilla
10 months ago

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